Potters are great cooks and share both the glaze formulas and the cooking recipes... this is to invite you to enjoy one of the formulas and share yours... Just click on comments and write your favourite dish. We will enjoy it! Where will this will take us? we don´t know... will see...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Potters!!! share your POT LUCK formulas here!

Lots of fun with our muddy clothes during our POT LUCK at the Pottery Studio at NVAC...
No good-byes to dear Anna (pretty one at the centre). Each one brought something special to share with her before traveling to Calgary in July with Peter and the boys... hugs and love.
This idea then came, why don´t we share our special ¨kitchen-kiln¨ firing of good food?
You are welcome to add your favourite mix...
your ¨good formulas¨ to share... any cone temperature...
we all love to wedge clay and bread
we are all good with mixing oxides and veggies
we improvise with layers of glazes and colors of berries, strawberries and blueberries...
we know how to cut square slabs of cookie dough, play dough or clay dough...
Now, I do hope you enjoy this blog.
Keep the name http://potters-wedging-bread.blogspot.com/ in your favourites and open it whenever you wish.
If you wish to share with the rest just go to the space below on ¨comments¨ you add your favourite recipe and I will add it here... We will see where this will take us... maybe nothing, maybe publish a best-seller formula for potter-cooks... who knows... It all depends on what we all make of it...
will see how it works. and we keep in contact here...... wow.
Sounds great. Cheers and have a great Summer, it started yesterday. R.