Potters are great cooks and share both the glaze formulas and the cooking recipes... this is to invite you to enjoy one of the formulas and share yours... Just click on comments and write your favourite dish. We will enjoy it! Where will this will take us? we don´t know... will see...

Friday, June 22, 2007

Herb -bread

2 kg mixed flours (about 5 or 6 cups of unbleached, whole wheat, rye, your choice)
1 or 2 tbs of fresh or dried herbs of your choice
1/4 cup finely cut dried tomatoes
1 teaspoon of salt
2 oz butter or oil
1 egg
1 teaspoon of fresh or dry yeast
1 tablespoon sugar
Warm water

in a bow mix yest, sugar and 1 cup water. set aside.
Mix the rest of the ingredients.
Add the yeast mixture with 3 cups of lukewarm water.
more flour or water, as needed while kneading or wedging your dough...
wedge 10 or 15 min. until it is ready, satin, elastic, perfect.
let rise, the slower, the better...

bake in the kitchen kiln at 350. small bread for 20 min. loafs for 40.
if you like a soft tan glaze, cover the soft bread with a glaze made with beaten egg with water... may drop a few sesame or poppy seeds on top.

Bon apetit.
You may freeze the dough or the bread.
It never gets old, for you eat it all fresh. Delicious.

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